
The Moon is Getting Closer, Scientists Say


On November 13, NASA will hold its first public consultation and the Moon will actually get much closer to the Earth this year.

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will be taking off from Cape Canaveral, Florida on November 13 to see the Moon for the first time. In the coming weeks will be some of the most dramatic and beautiful images ever captured on Mars.

Scientists also plan to begin studying the Moon's solar system, which the United States has never been able to land on the Moon. NASA's New Horizons rover, for example, was a part of the first such mission back in 2010, so the mission is already going to see some exciting planetary discoveries.

The next lunar science mission will involve an asteroid impact, which NASA previously said it would not accomplish. But it's possible that it could become a success, and this year, in January, the European Space Agency's Galileo mission will land an asteroid in its shadow.

NASA's lunar rover rovers are only getting around the moon due to the massive amount of dust they face now, and NASA is confident that they will continue to look into it while we wait. But for now, the Moon looks far more like it's been doing this for years. And it will take an even more spectacular mission in the next couple of years to show us a moon closer than NASA thinks.

The Moon is Getting Closer, Scientists Say

3 Responses

  1. How much longer can we keep up this lefty bullsh*t we need to stay strong to our values.

  2. I can’t agree more, as my brother went on to become a volunteer in Syria, fighting alongside Syrian moderate opposition versus Assad – and died. All because US did not stop Assad in 2011-2012.

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