
Code network is better than UQCS


Ticket Information

All ticket holders are expected to show their IDs on Sunday (the last day to book a seat at the MetroDome).

If you're not sure what to do, you only need to pay $40 in advance for entrance to the building.

Once your ticket has been redeemed, you must enter a password for your ticket.

Tickets will be accepted at the next door store.

Get Directions:

In-line ticket delivery

If you're late to an appointment, a valid Ticketmaster card will be used instead

If you need a replacement, enter the address of the nearest counter and the following address:

1:12:45 AM-8:00 PM (CST)

2:02:22 AM (CST)

3:09:39 AM (CST)

At least ten (10) days notice about your reservation

You can get all kinds of help out of the MetroDome via our Ticketless app, or by calling 311.

3 Responses

  1. How much longer can we keep up this lefty bullsh*t we need to stay strong to our values.

  2. I can’t agree more, as my brother went on to become a volunteer in Syria, fighting alongside Syrian moderate opposition versus Assad – and died. All because US did not stop Assad in 2011-2012.

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