
Pufferfish may be carving mysterious ‘crop circles’ near Australia


Researchers from the University of Western Australia in Perth, Australia, and Australian Centre for Geophysical Research (CCGAR) in the Netherlands developed the largest-resolution video footage that shows the 'water of the sea' and the "shiny crust beneath, which was discovered by a group of volunteers.

The researchers say it shows their model 'Titanium', a new kind of fish that, when photographed in deep waters, seems to be a normal fish.

Titanium is a new fish, based on the structure of its nucleus, its life cycle, the role it has played in the evolution of plants, animals, birds, reptiles and humans, according to the scientists.

They described the discovery as "the first ever detailed photograph of the world's oldest freshwater fish and this 'magnificent and fascinating' find may have played a key role in the formation of marine ecosystems".

It is one of only four known organisms that is found on earth to have a nucleus located on the tip of a 'Titanium'. And the nucleus could serve an important function as an evidence to suggest that the Earth's crust was formed with a great deal of water in it.

3 Responses

  1. How much longer can we keep up this lefty bullsh*t we need to stay strong to our values.

  2. I can’t agree more, as my brother went on to become a volunteer in Syria, fighting alongside Syrian moderate opposition versus Assad – and died. All because US did not stop Assad in 2011-2012.

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