
Team "yeet" gets their award yeeted away in the wake of an accidental yeet when counting votes


To make matters worse, there is no single person on the list to be the "true" representative of this vote. In fact, there are so many other voters that this isn't just good for the vote, or for the people, but for the voters themselves.

The number of voting machines on the network and the amount they use is critical for getting to be the most efficient, or perhaps at least it would be, if we could simply rollback the voting system:

As reported by the same people, the average turnout for those polling stations in Florida is much higher than it really is. At the beginning of 2016 nearly half of the precincts in Orlando had at least one polling place. That's a real problem, folks, since those same officials were able to get more polling places filled with less voter participation.

As I wrote at the time:

In 2015, most Americans reported that they had ever heard of voting booths or voter ID laws in other areas of the country. This includes the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Dominican Republic, Hawaii and others. Florida has one as well.

So you can now call the idea of all those voting machines and "fraud" a fraud. And it's a hoax. I'll give you a list of what's been done to discredit voting with fraudulent laws in Texas and Texas A&M and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's office in Texas. Texas voter fraud bills in the state go without question. But there's no consensus on how to address them. To get the best-in-class voter ID laws in the nation, there're several ways to get more people to vote. Some are simply too easy. Others are much more difficult, and can only be done at a state level, like in Florida. You're better off not contacting a voter ID system in Texas.

One final point. When people look at the number of polling places, they need to understand that these voter ID laws may be far less effective and do not get voters to exercise their rights as long-time residents. And in those places they're less likely to want to go to the polls, and less likely to be denied access to voting.

If you're worried about the lack of reliable polling sites or how to properly purge them, I recommend seeing a more comprehensive voter ID law that goes beyond the obvious ones that don't work for everyone. Many states and even most jurisdictions use similar voting laws that work for just about every person. Many in the latter half of the last election even went so far as to pass new voter ID laws with an increased number of people having to show proof of citizenship.

So who do you think may have stolen something? It wasn't, though, the Democratic Party or perhaps in some cases the FBI? They're no doubt the most powerful of all parties: Hillary Clinton in particular was pretty bad at this one. After all, Hillary's campaign has been trying to make the system she so strongly believes as easy as possible for voters to fill out and to pass out ballot papers. (The problem is that not a single person came

3 Responses

  1. How much longer can we keep up this lefty bullsh*t we need to stay strong to our values.

  2. I can’t agree more, as my brother went on to become a volunteer in Syria, fighting alongside Syrian moderate opposition versus Assad – and died. All because US did not stop Assad in 2011-2012.

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